Compliance It is our job to educate the taxpayer on their rights and how their specific current situation fits into the available IRS resolutions.  It is not always pretty. It is many times not what they expected. It may take different “tools” in your toolbox to get the job done. We know the IRS can… Read More

How does the IRS “know” that a taxpayer “should” file a return? By law, many entities must report the income they pay to individuals. A 1099 MISC/DIV/INT/B or a K-1 are just some of the income reporting documents that are filed directly with the IRS. This IRP (Income Reporting Program) Database also is enhanced in… Read More

Client Experience: A client was referred from a larger NYC Law Firm. The firm had prepared and filed the client’s 1040’s prior to contacting me. The doctor handed me copies of the filed 1040’s, Married Filing Joint, owing $900,000 in tax alone for the last 8 years. The spouse did not work. Their house was… Read More

Obviously, those potential clients that are “Constitutionally Challenged” (formerly known as Tax Protestors) will argue with you all day as to the compliance component of the resolution. I only take about 10% of these type clients and only after they have openly admitted they were duped by some fast talker scheme salesman. It is your… Read More

IRS Back taxes tax Help Compliance It is our job to educate the taxpayer on their rights and how their specific current situation fits into the available IRS resolutions.  It is not always pretty. It is many times not what they expected. It may take different “tools” in your toolbox to get the job done.… Read More

Therefore, the IRS has the power to collect its debt almost immediately and, most importantly, push other creditors (like the state) out of their way. The statutory lien (and later when a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) is publicly filed) has a vast amount of law behind it to enforce collection action. Client Experience:… Read More

IRS Liens. IRS Levy. Tax Consultant. Offer in Compromise Tax Help The Liability 10 days after an assessment is made and the debt is unpaid, a statutory lien comes into existence via IRC §6321. This is a very powerful part of collections tax law. Congress wrote themselves out of many laws by the creation of… Read More

IRS Liens. IRS Levy. Tax Consultant. Offer in Compromise Tax Help The AUR (Automated Under Reporter) Unit handles filed returns that miss a 1099 or W-2. The ASFR (Automated Substitute for Return) Units in Holtsville (Small Business/Self Employed) and Fresno (Individuals) handle the IRP documents which do not match any filed 1040’s. The computer is… Read More

IRS Liens. IRS Levy. Tax Consultant. Offer in Compromise Tax Help The AUR (Automated Under Reporter) Unit handles filed returns that miss a 1099 or W-2. The ASFR (Automated Substitute for Return) Units in Holtsville (Small Business/Self Employed) and Fresno (Individuals) handle the IRP documents which do not match any filed 1040’s. The computer is… Read More

Reviews from my Webinar on Thursday:    I thought the webinar went great – and I even did the first 45 minutes or so on my phone coming back from LaGuardia airport on the M60 bus (not highly recommended for stress-free viewing, but it worked).  It seemed like the technology worked well Excellent presentation by… Read More